56 Stops for $5 (Red)
Size: 30×40
Medium: Acrylic and Spray Paint
Year: 2025
Description: "56 Stops for $5" is a provocative visual of the intersection of corporate sponsorship and policing practices.Inspired by 7-Eleven's $25,000 donation to the Chicago Police Foundation in 2017, which caused a surge in stop-and-frisk incidents at their stores, the painting quantifies this relationship: for every $5 donated, 56 individuals were stopped over the course of a year.Through stark visual representation, the piece challenges viewers to reflect on the commodification of public safety and its societal implications.
Size: 30×40
Medium: Acrylic and Spray Paint
Year: 2025
Description: "56 Stops for $5" is a provocative visual of the intersection of corporate sponsorship and policing practices.Inspired by 7-Eleven's $25,000 donation to the Chicago Police Foundation in 2017, which caused a surge in stop-and-frisk incidents at their stores, the painting quantifies this relationship: for every $5 donated, 56 individuals were stopped over the course of a year.Through stark visual representation, the piece challenges viewers to reflect on the commodification of public safety and its societal implications.
Size: 30×40
Medium: Acrylic and Spray Paint
Year: 2025
Description: "56 Stops for $5" is a provocative visual of the intersection of corporate sponsorship and policing practices.Inspired by 7-Eleven's $25,000 donation to the Chicago Police Foundation in 2017, which caused a surge in stop-and-frisk incidents at their stores, the painting quantifies this relationship: for every $5 donated, 56 individuals were stopped over the course of a year.Through stark visual representation, the piece challenges viewers to reflect on the commodification of public safety and its societal implications.