Size: 36×48 inches
Medium: Spray Paint
Year: 2024
Description: Based on data from filing FOIA requests to thousands of police departments, this painting visualizes the scale at which Lexipol operates nationally. The circles are U.S. states. Circle sizes reflect the percentage of each state’s police department who contract with Lexipol. The abstract forms reflects the large yet uncertain scale at which Lexipol is shaping use of force in American policing.
*In Private Collection
Size: 36×48 inches
Medium: Spray Paint
Year: 2024
Description: Based on data from filing FOIA requests to thousands of police departments, this painting visualizes the scale at which Lexipol operates nationally. The circles are U.S. states. Circle sizes reflect the percentage of each state’s police department who contract with Lexipol. The abstract forms reflects the large yet uncertain scale at which Lexipol is shaping use of force in American policing.
*In Private Collection